Author Archives: Brendan

Join the NOHA NOM

There have been lots of social media posts recently about crime in our neighborhood. I’m not sure if we’re seeing a spike in actual crime, or if the crime reporting tools are getting better so we’re all just becoming better informed, but in any case there is something you can do about it.

North Hampton* participates in the Circuit Attorney’s Neighborhood Ownership Model (NOM) program. At least on paper, we do. In reality we struggle to find committed volunteers – especially those that would be willing to take on any leadership or organizational roles. We have a police officer assigned to our neighborhood who tracks crime for us, and is a resource we can reach to if we have concerns. We are at risk of losing him as a resource because the participation in the NOHA NOM has been so low.

The NOM is a program that at a minimum, tracks court cases for crimes in our neighborhood and lets us write an “impact statement” that is used with bail hearings or sentencing. It can be much more than that, though. We can make it into whatever we need it to be – but we have to have volunteers to get there.

You can sign up here to get on the email list, and take on a role that needs to be filled. We need your help.

*North Hampton is the Tilles Park and Kingshighway Hills neighborhoods. We’re in this together.

Ward Committees

On August 2 we’ll all go to the polls for a primary election in St. Louis. Well, most of us will, hopefully. Among the positions being voted for are the Committeeman and Committeewoman positions for the 10th and 23rd wards. So what is a committeeman or committeewoman?

The short answer is, I don’t really know. There isn’t a lot of information online about the position. As best I can tell the role is based on the party in power; and the responsibility is to work towards supporting the platform and candidates of that party. The St. Louis City Democratic Central Committee does not appear to have a website or FB page from which to find more info. It appears to be a fairly secretive organization, though I could certainly just not be looking in the right place for this info.

I was able to find the list of candidates from this Board of Election Commissioners sample ballot. Here they are:

Ward 10 Committeeman

Bio: Rob was previously a candidate for 80th District State Rep. He is an Attorney and proprietor of Amsterdam Tavern.
Website or FB: Not found.

Bio: Max is the son of late STL artist Bob Cassilly. He is the proprietor of two businesses within the City Museum, Beatnik Bob’s and the Rooftop Cafe.
Website or FB:

Ward 10 Committeewoman

Bio: Incumbent 10th ward committeewoman. Wife of former sheriff candidate Kevin “Cap” Klupe.
Website or FB:  None found.

Bio: No info found.
Website or FB:

Ward 23 Committeeman

Bio: Son of Recorder of Deeds Sharon Quigley Carpenter.
Website or FB: None found.
(Running unopposed)

Ward 23 Committeewoman

Bio: Possibly an employee of Collector of Revenue’s office.
Website or FB: None found.
(Running unopposed)

**The above info was as much as I could find online. If you have any corrections or additional info to provide I’m happy to accomodate. Get in touch via our Contact Us page.**

Edit: The election is over. For Ward 10, Klupe won committeewoman (686 to 545), and Stelzer won committeeman (671 to 591). For Ward 23, Brown and Carpenter both won unopposed. Still have no idea what the positions actually do.

Goodbye Casey


Casey Croy passed away on Saturday, January 26th. She was a good friend and neighbor to all of us, KHNA board member, and long-time resident of Kingshighway Hills. You would be hard pressed to find a better ambassador for our neighborhood, or more tireless advocate for the city and its residents. She will be missed.

A memorial service will be held this coming Saturday 2/2, 3pm at Mount Tabor United Church of Christ.